Thursday, January 15, 2009

trying to get this thing to embed on the bottom. How do you do that?

Get a playlist!
Standalone player
Get Ringtones!

I see this on all of the COOOL blogs and I want one:D how do I get it to stay on my page?


Connie said...

Instead of posting it as a "post" you need to add it on the side bar as a "gadget". I like mine on the side, or the bottom of the page.

So, go to the top of your page and click on customize->Layout->page elements->add a gadget-> add a gadget for HTML.

Then, go to and get the code. Copy and paste the code in your new gadget box.

Hopefully this helps, and doesn't confuse you.

Testing said...

I put mine at the very bottom so the buttons weren't hiding in the side bar. Just like adding a gadget for a side bar, but at the footer area.

Natalie. said...

call me and I'll explain. :)